Got a question? Check out this list of frequently asked questions.
Who is Chiropractic for?
Chiropractors see people of all ages from all walks of life. Everyone can benefit from having a spine free of pain, thus allowing a healthy body. We work with newborn babies, children, pregnant women, sports people and adults of all ages including the elderly. The techniques we use will often vary due to the age and the needs of our clients. See here for the full description.
What is a subluxation?
A subluxation occurs when one or more vertebrae (spinal bones) lock up and loses proper free movement. When this happens pressure may be placed on the nerves carrying information between the brain and body, ultimately affecting the performance of the body. See the subluxation section for more detailed information.
How does a subluxation occur?
Subluxations occur due to stress placed on the body that it is unable to deal with effectively. Stress may come in the form of:
Physical Stress - a car accident, fall, prolonged poor posture or even being born.
Emotional Stress - getting upset or angry.
Chemical Stress - toxins in the environment, smoking, alcohol or medications.
How is a subluxation corrected?
The only way to correct subluxations is a chiropractic adjustment. Massage and exercise, while beneficial, will not correct these problems. Many different techniques are used depending upon the chiropractor and the patient. Some techniques involve applying a very quick, specific thrust into the joint, others utilize adjusting instruments that apply a very gentle specific force, and others use special adjusting tables with pieces that drop away. If you are worried about being adjusted, don’t like the noise, or have preferences then please let us know. Your preferences will always guide us as to which techniques we choose.
Do I need to keep coming?
At Back in Action we work with you to determine the best course of care for you. For some people this will be short-term pain relief, others require more intensive correction, and others see chiropractic as part of their regular healthcare routine. We will always recommend the best options for your health, but ultimately the choice is yours.
Can babies be adjusted?
Absolutely! The techniques used are vastly different from those used to adjust adults; babies can often remain asleep throughout a chiropractic check. We recommend that babies get checked as soon as possible after birth. See our section on children for more information.
Do I need x-rays?
Back in Action Chiropractors determine the need for x-rays based on the information gathered from your health history and examination. Our clients are not all x-rayed as a matter of routine. If x-rays are required to provide you with safe chiropractic care then you will be given a referral to a local radiology clinic.
Is Chiropractic Safe?
In 1979 the New Zealand Commission of Inquiry into Chiropractic released their report after over 18 months of research. They concluded that spinal manipulation in the hands of a registered chiropractor is “remarkably safe”. They also commented that “chiropractors are the only health practitioners who are necessarily equipped by their education and training to carry out spinal manual therapy.”*
*Reference: “Chiropractic in New Zealand. Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Chiropractic. PD Hasselberg . Wellington, New Zealand: Government Printer, 1979.”
The risk of serious complications with neck adjustments have been estimated at 6.39 per 10 million adjustments, and for lumbar adjustments only 1 serious complication per 100 million. Compare this with the use of NSAIDS (anti-inflammatory drugs) where the risk has been put at 3.2 per 1000, or cervical spine surgery where the risk is 15.6 per 1000. This research suggests that anti-inflammatory drugs are over 5000 times more dangerous than a chiropractic adjustment to your neck!
Reference: "Efficacy and Risks of Chiropractic Manipulation: What Does the Evidence Suggest?" by Ian Coulter, Ph.D. Journal Integrative Medicine, volume 1, number 2, pp.61-66”.
I don't have any pain. Should I still get my spine checked?
Definitely! Spinal checks are a little like having your car serviced or seeing the dentist to make sure your teeth don't rot. We want to make sure your body is working 100% the way it was intended to. Why wait until you break down? Less than 10% of your nerves are involved in transmitting pain information, so if these nerves are affected by a subluxation you might not feel the problem; however other areas of your body such as your heart or digestive system may be affected.
Is chiropractic ok during pregnancy?
Absolutely! Your chiropractor realises this is a time when the spine is under a lot of stress and more than ever it is important to keep a good spine. Naturally we need to accommodate the changing body and make sure our technique is safe and pain free however pain during pregnancy is indicative of a problem and is absolutely not normal!
In the following weeks after birth please stay in touch with your chiropractor for tools that can help your body and also your develop[ping child in a critical time of their life especially if they appear stressed or having difficulties.
Still not sure whether Chiropractic is for you?
Call one of our clinics and make an appointment for a no-obligation, free spine check. We’ll let you know if you’re a candidate for chiropractic care.